OSHC & Vacation Care
Providing quality childcare that meets the needs of our families
Craigburn Primary School Governing Council is the approved provider and responsible for the operation of Craigburn Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) & Vacation Care services. The service is funded by the Commonwealth Government through the Child Care Subsidy Scheme and operates in the Hall at Craigburn Primary School.
Our aim is to provide childcare through a high quality recreational program that meets the individual needs of primary aged children in a safe, friendly & nurturing environment. Through our program, children are encouraged to make new discoveries, extend their interests, build positive relationships with their peers and staff and share their skills and knowledge with each other.
Kylie Preece – Director
Contact Details
Phone: 8270 1620
Mobile: 0427 271 768
Email: cps.oshc820@schools.sa.edu.au
Hours of Operation
After School Care: 3.10pm – 6.15pm (Full session)

For families wishing to use the service, we encourage families to drop in before their first sessions to become familiar with the OSHC room and to meet the educators.
The enrolment form can completed online through Xplor, our Childcare software provider.
Our Family Handbook contains information on fees, program, policies, and procedures and is available from OSHC or to download from this page.
An OSHC registration fee of $15.00 per family annually is applied to your OSHC account at the time of enrolment/re-enrolment.
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is available to approved families at a variable rate depending on family income. For further information on Child Care Subsidy, please contact Services Australia on 13 61 50.
At the end of each school year registered families will be asked to re-enrol to access care for the following school year. The re-enrolment form will be sent out via Xplor.
Parents/carers will need to complete the re-enrolment form, booking request and consent form and any relevant medical forms annually.
Families must contact the OSHC Director if circumstances, contacts, or any other information changes throughout the year.
An OSHC newsletter is prepared twice a term to keep parents/carers up to date with what is happening at OSHC.
Family Handbook
(PDF, 814KB)
Enrolment Form
(Link to website)
Vacation Care
7.00am – 6.15pm
We provide a recreational program during the school holidays, which includes a wide range of fun and exciting school-based activities and excursions.
The Vacation Care Program, Information Sheet and Booking Form link will be emailed out to registered families from week 6 of each term. Or alternatively can be accessed here.
If you have any questions regarding the OSHC program or any aspect of the service, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kylie Preece – Director