There are many opportunities for parents, family members and people from the community to be involved at Craigburn Primary School.
Areas include but are not limited to:
- Governing Council
- Sub committees of Governing Council including:
- Friends of Craigburn
- Finance Advisory
- Out of School Hours Care
- Environment
- Sports
- Canteen
- Learning support and classroom assistance
- Excursions and Camps
- Coaching, managing or supporting after school sports teams
- Working bees
- SAPSASA, sports carnivals and activities
- Special events eg Colour Fun Run, Discos
All volunteers are required to have:
- a current Working with Children Check (WWCC) with a copy of the certificate to be provided to the school
- completed the online Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) Training (with a copy of the certificate provided to the school)
- attended a face-to-face site Volunteer Induction Meeting; completed and returned all volunteer forms
- All volunteers and helpers are required to sign in on arrival and wear a visitors badge.
Information about volunteering, online RRHAN-EC training and application forms for Working with Children Check (WWCC) can be obtained from the school office.
Please note that all volunteers are bound to comply with all local site requirements and policies and are also bound to comply with the Department for Education Volunteer Policy.
Volunteers can make a significant contribution to the school community by giving their time and sharing their skills with others. Volunteers possess a wide range of interests and abilities that complement school programs, thus providing rich interactions and experiences for students.
The participation of volunteers at Craigburn Primary School is highly appreciated and valued. While the welfare of our students is our highest priority, we want to do everything possible to ensure that volunteers are provided with the necessary support to ensure their involvement is rich and rewardings.
Parent / caregiver volunteers who attend overnight camps or sleepovers are required to undertake a personal history clearance, which is organised through the school.
All volunteers are required to undertake a Responding to Abuse and Neglect training (RAN) session, which is offered throughout the school year.